New Website Finished!!!
Posted by cb on Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Wow, this looks a lot like the previous post and it is with one minor difference (not including the extra exclamation marks)...the new Intelligent Design Clothing Company website is online! For those of you who are just finding us, we started a little over a year ago with our Printfection storefront. It has served us well and is actually still very much at the heart of what we do, but we needed something a little bigger.
In the last few months we have expanded our operations and now offer a variety of products through not just one, but three unique shops. All of our clothing options can be accessed through the CLOTHING section of our new site. The new website also provides us with more ways to keep in touch with our customers (see our blog for one example ;-) We also now have links to other sites that we think are worth you taking your time to look at. None of these folks pay us to advertise for them, some of them probably don't even know we exist (which if that is the case, we need to change that). We just believe in what they are doing and want to bring a little bit of attention to them, or in a couple of cases we just think they are too much fun not to tell you about...Holga users holla!
Custom designed T-shirts and clothing are still our passion, but we hope that Intelligent Design Clothing is more than that. We have a message and our message is about more than just selling clothes. So for those of you who have been around with us for a while, we hope you like the changes. For those of you who are here for the first time, we're glad you are here. There is no better time than now to go old school evangelical and tell all of your friends about us and invite them to come on over to the big IDCC tent revival. We don't have any fire and brimstone preaching and I don't know any faith healers, but we have plenty of other things worth stopping by for.
Spread the Word-
In the last few months we have expanded our operations and now offer a variety of products through not just one, but three unique shops. All of our clothing options can be accessed through the CLOTHING section of our new site. The new website also provides us with more ways to keep in touch with our customers (see our blog for one example ;-) We also now have links to other sites that we think are worth you taking your time to look at. None of these folks pay us to advertise for them, some of them probably don't even know we exist (which if that is the case, we need to change that). We just believe in what they are doing and want to bring a little bit of attention to them, or in a couple of cases we just think they are too much fun not to tell you about...Holga users holla!
Custom designed T-shirts and clothing are still our passion, but we hope that Intelligent Design Clothing is more than that. We have a message and our message is about more than just selling clothes. So for those of you who have been around with us for a while, we hope you like the changes. For those of you who are here for the first time, we're glad you are here. There is no better time than now to go old school evangelical and tell all of your friends about us and invite them to come on over to the big IDCC tent revival. We don't have any fire and brimstone preaching and I don't know any faith healers, but we have plenty of other things worth stopping by for.
Spread the Word-